What is Metal Defect?
Dhatu rog, Dhatu Dosha, Dhat syndrome, Shukrameha (Shukra = sperm + meha = marsh in urine)
Low semen is the common name for Spermatorrhoea and is the loss of semen through nocturnal emissions, urination and masturbation. It is considered one of the twenty types of prameyas described in Ayurveda.
Dhatu Roga is a condition in which a person has excessive ejaculation or discharge of fluid from the penis, which is called Dhatu Roga or Dhatu Fall. Or falling of semen before or after urination is called metal disease. Often discharge of semen along with urine or sudden ejaculation has a very bad effect on the sufferer. It has a negative impact on a person’s health, especially sexual health.